The ToDo List Screensaver is a screensaver for mac and a unique, simple and useful productivity tool that will softly remind you of what you have to do, without harassing you with ringing bells, shocking alarms, nagging reminders and blinking alerts. It’s also much tidier than using stickies, too.
Walk away from your computer and the screensaver will start automatically. When you return to your Mac, you’ll see your to-do list with slowly moving words, and you will be reminded of your various tasks of The Day, whether it’s about taking your kid to her guitar lessons, being on-time to an office meeting or reminding you that you have an eye doctor’s Appointment at a certain time. The possibilities, of course, are endless depending on your schedule, but you will always have access to your to do list.
If you want to be able to see your To Do list immediately, instead of waiting for your screensaver to kick in, you can set Up hot corners on your screen, so that each time you click over your selected hot corner of your desktop, your To Do List will magically appear before you, and you’ll see what is on the list. It’s as easy as that, and it’s so simple that you’ll wonder why it didn’t exist before!